White Snow Glutinous Rice Cake

It turns out that the “cross-border cooperation” between cakes and glutinous rice cakes can also be so perfect and delicious! This pastry and delicacy from Shunde, glutinous rice cakes, is simple, but creative. It is wrapped with a layer of glutinous rice cake on the basis of a traditional cake, with a soft glutinous shell and a soft and sweet cake body. It is sticky and soft after a bite, and it is filled with coconut fragrance. You will never get tired of eating it many times. . You can make more glutinous rice cakes, and then make a sweet and refreshing fruit daifuku~

White Snow Glutinous Rice Cake - New pastry slicer - Cheersonic


Cake body (28*28 square plate)
Corn salad oil 44g
Low-gluten flour 72g
Baking sugar 52g
4 eggs
80g milk
Lemon juice

Glutinous rice dumpling
Glutinous rice flour 156g
Corn starch 39g
Icing sugar 65g
130g milk
Coconut milk 130g
20g butter

Decoration materials
Minced coconut


Cake slices: using the back egg method, the cake made is more delicate
① Separate the 4 egg yolks and egg whites, put them into two clean, water- and oil-free bowls, and set aside.
② Take another clean bowl, pour milk and salad oil into the bowl, and stir until fully emulsified.
③ Sift and add low-gluten flour, and stir until there is no graininess.
④ Add 4 egg yolks and stir well until smooth, so that the egg yolk paste is complete.
⑤ Add a proper amount of lemon juice to the egg whites, first low speed, then high speed to beat until fish blisters appear, then add fine sugar. Add the fine sugar in three times, and the meringue will be beaten until moist foaming, (showing delicate lines, with small hooks Just fall back.) If the egg whites are too hard, the cake will crack during baking and it will taste dry~
⑥ First take a part of the meringue into the egg yolk paste and mix evenly.
⑦ Pour the mixed cake batter back into the meringue basin, mix and stir evenly, remember not to use the technique of turning in circles, it is easy to defoam. The finished cake batter will have a certain degree of fluidity. If there is no fluidity at all, then the egg whites are too hard!
⑧ Pour the cake batter into the baking tray, shake it a few times, put it in the preheated oven at 175 degrees, and bake the middle layer for 35 minutes. The specific time depends on the temper of your own oven.
⑨ Shake the plate after baking, put the cake roll on the drying rack together with the greased paper, tear off the sides and let it cool for use.

Glutinous rice cake
① Mix glutinous rice flour, corn starch, and icing sugar evenly.
② Pour in the milk and coconut milk, mix and stir until it is smooth and smooth without dry powder.
③ Sift and pour into a plate, and steam on the pot for about 20 minutes.
④ Spread a tarp on the table, then add butter to the baked glutinous rice cakes, mix and knead well.
⑤ Divide the glutinous rice cake into four equal parts, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside.
⑥ After the cake is allowed to cool, cut off the sides and divide them into 4 long strips.
⑦ Take a piece of glutinous rice cake and roll it out with a rolling pin. (As shown below)
⑧ Put the prepared cake slice, cover it, and stick it tightly. If it feels too thick, you can use a knife to modify it, because the side is too thick and it will not look good.
⑨ Sprinkle the coconut paste madly, and stick it evenly on both sides.
⑩ Use a knife to cut the glutinous rice cake to a suitable size according to your needs. I usually divide a cake into 6 pieces.
⑪ After cutting, you can dip the sides of the cake slices with minced coconut, so that it will not stick to your hands.

White Snow Glutinous Rice Cake - New pastry slicer - Cheersonic
ultrasonic cake cutting video