The role of hydrogen in the energy transition

The role of hydrogen in the energy transition – Cheersonic

Both hydrogen energy (green hydrogen) and electricity (green electricity) are secondary energy sources, which are inevitable choices under the dual-carbon goal strategy. The utilization of hydrogen has a long history, but it is not in the fields of transportation and power that are currently attracting attention, but is mainly used in the industrial field as a raw material for production.

The role of hydrogen in the energy transition - Cheersonic

In order to realize the diversification, cleanliness and low-carbon transformation of the global energy system, the development of hydrogen energy can be cut from the three perspectives of “secondary energy, energy carrier, and low-carbon raw materials” to boost the energy transformation process.

(1) Hydrogen can be used as a high-efficiency and low-carbon secondary energy source. Hydrogen itself is a secondary energy source with high energy density (unit mass), and it also has strong electrochemical activity and can be used to generate electricity through fuel cells. Therefore, hydrogen can be used in fuel cell vehicles to replace traditional fuel vehicles and save oil consumption; it can also be used in household cogeneration to reduce electricity and heat demand; hydrogen can also be directly mixed into the natural gas pipeline network for direct combustion.

(2) Hydrogen can be used as a flexible and intelligent energy carrier. Through the hydrogen production technology of water electrolysis and the conversion between hydrogen and other energy types, it can improve the consumption of renewable energy, provide long-term energy storage, optimize regional material flow and energy flow, and then establish a new model of multi-energy complementary energy development . For example, when the regional power is redundant, the excess electricity can be converted into hydrogen by electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen and stored; when the supply of electricity and heat is insufficient, the hydrogen can be generated by electrochemical reaction, combined heat and power, direct combustion, etc. Balance the supply and demand of the power grid and the heat grid.

(3) Hydrogen can be used as a green and clean industrial raw material. The Doka Institute believes that hydrogen energy will achieve deep decarbonization of the industrial sector, mainly through the application of innovative hydrogen energy processes, and the use of “green hydrogen” to replace “grey hydrogen” on a large scale. Hydrogen direct reduction of iron is a typical representative of the innovative process of hydrogen energy. This process uses hydrogen as a reducing agent to directly reduce iron ore to sponge iron, and then enter the electric furnace to make steel, thereby saving the use of coke and reducing the cost of raw materials. carbon dioxide emissions. “Green hydrogen” to replace “grey hydrogen” is to use hydrogen from renewable energy sources to replace fossil energy hydrogen production in the process of synthetic ammonia and methanol production, thereby achieving deep decarbonization.

Cheersonic is the leading developer and manufacturer of ultrasonic coating systems for applying precise, thin film coatings to protect, strengthen or smooth surfaces on parts and components for the microelectronics/electronics, alternative energy, medical and industrial markets, including specialized glass applications in construction and automotive.