ultrasonic atomizer spray nozzle
Ultrasonic Atomizer Spray Nozzle Ultrasonic Atomizer Spray Nozzle (Ultrasonic spray) is to use the energy of ultrasonic water or liquid scattered, forming several microns to [...]
Nano SiOx Modified Ultrasonic Spray
Nano SiOx Modified Ultrasonic Spray At present our country to adopt the post-processing accounts for only 30% of the total output, fruit storage of fruit [...]

Ultrasonic Spray Preparation Of Titanium Dioxide Nano Membrane
Ultrasonic Atomization Spray Preparation Of Titanium Dioxide Nano Membrane Titanium dioxide thin film photocatalytic wastewater treatment has become the human increasingly concerned problems, the new [...]

Ultrasonic Nanomaterials Dispersion Equipment
Ultrasonic Nano Dispersion Equipment Nanomaterials Nanometer materials refers to the three-dimensional space of at least one dimension in the nanometer size (0.1-100 - nm) [...]
Ultrasonic Nanowire Spraying Systems
Ultrasonic Nanowire Spraying Systems Nanowire A nanowire is a nanostructure, with the diameter of the order of a nanometer (10−9 meters). It can also [...]

Ultrasonic Graphene Coating Spraying Machine
Ultrasonic Graphene Coating Spraying Machine Graphene Graphene has many extraordinary properties. It is about 100 times stronger than the strongest steel. It conducts heat and [...]

Ultrasonic Carbon Nanotubes Coating Spraying Machine
Ultrasonic Carbon Nanotubes Coating Spray Machine Carbon Nanotubes Potential applications for carbon nanotubes include lightweight, strong composite structural materials, micro- and nano-scale needles and probes, [...]