Important Instruments In Chip Manufacturing

Important Instruments In Chip Manufacturing – Semiconductor Coating – Cheersonic

Wet electronic chemicals refer to various electronic chemical materials used in microelectronics and optoelectronic wet processes (mainly including wet etching, cleaning, development, interconnection, etc.). According to the purpose, it can be divided into general chemicals (also known as ultra-clean and high-purity reagents) and functional chemicals (represented by photoresist supporting reagents).

Among them, the demand for ultra-clean and high-purity reagents accounted for 88%, followed by sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, hydrofluoric acid, isopropanol, nitric acid and phosphoric acid; functional chemicals accounted for 12%, accounting for In this order, a developer for semiconductors, an etching solution, a developer for panels, a stripping solution, and a buffer etching solution.

Important Instruments In Chip Manufacturing - Semiconductor Coating

General Wet Electronic Chemicals

Determination of hydrogen peroxide content by cerium sulfate method
Instrument configuration: potentiometric titrator, DMi140-SC redox electrode, DV1010 burette

Functional Wet Electronic Chemicals

Developer – Determination of Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide
Instrument configuration: potentiometric titrator, DGi111-SC/DGi115-SC acid-base titration electrode, DV1020 burette.

Buffered Etchants – Ammonium Fluoride and Hydrofluoric Acid Determination
Instrument configuration: potentiometric titrator, DGi111-SC/DGi115-SC acid-base titration electrode, DV1010 burette

Aluminum etching solution – titration of nitric acid, phosphoric acid, acetic acid, ternary mixed acid content
Instrument: potentiometric titrator + DGi113-SC non-aqueous acid-base titration electrode

DispenSix automatic sampling, online titration system

All chemical analysis components of the online analysis system adopt modular design, and the design and material of the analysis module are completely corrosion-resistant high-performance materials such as glass, PTFE, PVDF and FEP. In practical applications, users can configure according to the detection indicators, and set the most suitable analysis cycle according to the factory production requirements. Automatically collect samples and analyze and measure. After the analysis process, the instrument automatically rinses the cuvette with deionized water, displays the analysis results on the instrument screen, and transmits the data to the LabX software workstation in the central control room through Ethernet. At the same time, the labX workstation can also realize data connection with LIMS, ERP and other systems, and truly realize 24-hour unattended monitoring.

The fully automatic high-precision sampling unit Liquid Handler is a burette function with 6 valves, which can accurately absorb, collapse and prepare liquid, and can monitor the acid, alkali, copper ion and other contents of the tank liquid in real time on the production line. The following is the scheme of the online determination of hexavalent chromium and the online determination of uranium content by Liquidhandler, which shows the diversification of METTLER TOLEDO online titration systems.

Modular design, any parts can be replaced and repaired due to wear or aging. Maintenance is convenient and simple. After training, customers can replace and repair by themselves.

Today, China has become the world’s largest semiconductor consumer market. The next round of terminal demand, such as the Internet of Things, 5G communication, and artificial intelligence, has created new opportunities for the development of the semiconductor industry in mainland China. Our application methods and cases in electronic wet chemicals are very rich and can provide a variety of solutions.

Ultrasonic spray has the advantages of precise and controllable spray flow rate, thin and uniform coating, and controllable spray range. It is very suitable for spraying electronic products and is increasingly used for research and production. Ultrasonic spray technology can be used to deposit a uniform coating on substrates of any width. Ultrasonic Spray Electronics technology enables these very thin coatings to be produced with extremely high uniformity, resulting in very accurate and repeatable results to enhance product functionality.