How are sliced bread in the store sliced?
Do you know how the piece of toast in your hand is cut out? How are sliced bread in the store sliced?
When you pick up a bag of toast bread in a supermarket or convenience store-I mean sliced bread slices-you probably don’t think that bread from 90 years ago was sold in strips. Back then, American housewives, if they wanted to prepare sandwiches for breakfast and lunch boxes for their family, they had to wake up early in the morning and cut bread for half a day.

Therefore, as soon as sliced bread was born, it was quickly accepted by the market and even swept the world in a short time.
Now, Cheersonic has developed an ultrasonic slicing process. The whole loaf of bread will be transferred to the packaging machine and wrapped in wax paper immediately after the cut, which solves the previous problems.