Cool summer: Matcha (Green Tea) Mousse Cake

Cool summer: Matcha (Green Tea) Mousse Cake Slicer
French love for the “mousse” has reached a certain height, more than half of the French dessert are “mousse”. Initially, the masters in the cream by adding a variety of ingredients, in order to stabilize the role and improve the structure, taste and flavor, so that its appearance, color, structure, rich taste changes, more natural pure, frozen and then eat…
Mousse cake not only meet the people’s pursuit of exquisite fashion, advocating the concept of natural and healthy life, but also to the cake masters to create more space.

cake slicer
One of my favorite flavors in the whole world is matcha, the stone ground green tea that is used to flavor many Japanese foods, sweet and savory. This very fine powder is made by grinding whole green tea leaves and is traditionally prepared and drunk in Japanese tea ceremonies. The flavor can be described as green, earthy, grassy, and slightly bitter with a sweet umami finish.

mousse cake
Matcha mousse cake recipe (From “LANDS & FLAVORS”) entrance that is fragrant and pleasant, in the hot summer, taste the fresh green tea mousse, so that irritable heart slowly quiet down and enjoy the slow down life.

The best “Matcha mousse” cut

cake slicer
The arrival of cool summer, green tea cake is undoubtedly the love of many dear friends, and as always, when you are ready for your whole green tea cake, for your cake cutting productivity, Cheersonic is happy to help.
First of all, you make sure your cake size, as well as any of your requirements, Cheersonic creates a custom cutting blade for you to perfectly fit your cake and give you a professional appearance of the cake every time. If you have any questions, please contact the Cheersonic representative in time.

Written by Sophia Chen

mousse cake slicer – ultrasonic round cake slicere
UFM1000 Ultrasonic Round Cake Cutter