Cheese Chiffon Brick

The same is Chiffon. Why do other people’s Chiffon orders so much? In addition to marketing, there is another very important point, that is, taste. The difference in taste determines whether a cake is good or not, because no matter how good the marketing is, it will lose its repeat customers.

Cheese Chiffon - Cake Automatic Cutting Machine - Cheersonic

The cheese chiffon brick introduced today uses milk and cream cheese as the ingredients. After baking, it has a unique and mellow flavor and is also known as the best chiffon cake.

The chiffon is soft, and it also blends with the strong fragrance of cream cheese. The chiffon is filled with cream cheese, and the waist is bulging out. It looks chubby, and the taste and appearance are double perfect~

The top of the cake is packed with cream cheese decoration and a slogan is inserted. It is very suitable for making birthday cakes, or small celebration festivals, simple and exquisite.


Cheese chiffon embryo:
Milk: 100g Cream cheese: 100g
Egg yolk: 40g sugar: 20g a pinch of salt
Vegetable oil: 20g vanilla extract: 2g
Low powder: 82g baking powder and soda powder (optional) 1g each
Meringue: 140g egg white + 40g sugar

Cheese cream filling:
Cream cheese: 200g light cream: 150g+30g sugar

Mold size: 6 inch mold, 7.5CM high


Cheese Chiffon
▲Pour 100g of cream cheese into warm milk and whipped until there are no particles.
▲Whip the egg yolk, sugar, and a pinch of salt until it melts evenly, then pour in the whipped cheese milk liquid and stir well.
▲Pour in vegetable oil and vanilla extract and stir quickly until uniform.
▲Next, sift in all the powders, and 1g of soda powder and baking powder can be added appropriately, so that the finished product is more successful, of course, the masters ignore it. Stir with egg extract until it is even and without dry powder.
▲Add sugar and beat the egg white to dry foaming, then add it to the egg batter three times and mix well;
▲Look, the evenly mixed chiffon paste is thick and soft.
▲Take a 6-inch hollow mold, pour the chiffon paste, insert the batter with chopsticks and make a few circles, shake it a few times, and bake it in an oven preheated to 150g for 15 minutes, then reduce to 140 degrees and bake for 25 minutes.
▲After baking, take out the cake and let it cool completely before it can be demoulded. After demoulding, cut off the top protruding part.
▲Take bamboo sticks or chopsticks, insert the chiffon into the chiffon and move it back and forth to dig out the space for cheese~~ Dig 6-7 holes. It doesn’t matter if you get through the inside.

Cream cheese filling
▲Pour 200g cream cheese into the egg bowl and press it smoothly with a spatula;
▲Whip the cream until it is thick and lines appear, which is 6 distributed, add the cream cheese to spread, and then stir with a whisk.
▲Until the cream and cheese are fully integrated, put it in a piping bag for later use.

Filling & Decoration
▲Insert the flower mouth into the Chiffon Cave to fill it up, you can hold the edge of Chiffon with your hand, feel the amount of extrusion, don’t squeeze it
▲When it is full, squeeze out your favorite decoration shape on the cake, it is best to fill it to create a rich cream shape.
▲Sprinkle with powdered sugar and put in a happy birthday or thank you slogan at the end, and you’re done! You can focus on birthday cakes, which are cheap and easy to sell!

Such a simple naked embryo actually tastes incredibly fragrant. Milk and cheese are added to the chiffon. The taste and aroma are several times higher than that of ordinary chiffon. Only with such a hard taste can you dare to sell it naked!

Cheese Chiffon - Cake Automatic Cutting Machine - Cheersonic

Cut a piece of chiffon, you can see the inflated and curved chiffon cake squeezed by cream cheese, the chubby shape and a touch of honesty~

This bite is really fragrant! This cheese chiffon brick feels very popular, of course you can make a square cake, it’s relatively simple

Round Cake Cutting Machine