20 04, 2024

Scamorza Cheese Cut Fixed Weigh

By |2024-04-30T03:04:34+00:0020 4 月, 2024|Blog|Scamorza Cheese Cut Fixed Weigh已关闭评论

Scamorza Cheese Cut Fixed Weigh Scamorza Cheese Cut Fixed Weigh - Cheese Cutter - Cheersonic Scamorza is an Italian spun pasty cow's milk cheese belonging to the Pasta filata family, which is shaped like a pear-shaped provolone cheese, but also comes in many other forms. This is a semi-soft white cheese with a firm, dry texture. Cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk or a mixture of cow's and goat's [...]

19 04, 2024

Roll to Roll Coating Line System

By |2024-04-10T06:22:17+00:0019 4 月, 2024|Blog|Roll to Roll Coating Line System已关闭评论

Roll to Roll Coating Line System Our company has roll to roll coating line system. We would be coating on a web width of 330 mm, that would be moving at a speed of 0.5 - 20 m / min. The material for coating would be in-house inks. These would be either alcohol (such as butanol, isopropanol, etc) based dilute solutions of organic molecules and ions, or some more aggressive [...]

18 04, 2024

Large Chocolate Cake Slicing Equipment

By |2024-04-30T03:03:00+00:0018 4 月, 2024|Blog|Large Chocolate Cake Slicing Equipment已关闭评论

Large Chocolate Cake Slicing Equipment Large Chocolate Cake Slicing Equipment - Ultrasonic Cutting - Cheersonic Large chocolate cake is a cake flavored with melted chocolate, cocoa powder, or both. Chocolate cake. Four-layer fudge cake with chocolate icing. Cake sizes are named after the size of pan that the cake is baked in. A full-size commercial sheet cake pan is 18 by 24 inches (46 cm × 61 cm) or 18 [...]

17 04, 2024

Ultrasonic Spraying for Producing MEAs

By |2024-04-10T06:20:43+00:0017 4 月, 2024|Blog|Ultrasonic Spraying for Producing MEAs已关闭评论

Ultrasonic Spraying for Producing MEAs The performance upgrade of fuel cell stack! Ultrasonic Spraying for Producing MEAs. The new patent reveals ultrasound spray technology to make film electrode components. Membrane electrode components are the core components of the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell heap. Its manufacturing process has a vital impact on the performance and durability of fuel cells. Recently, a new patent revealed the method of making MEA with [...]

16 04, 2024

Gruyère Slice

By |2024-04-30T03:00:30+00:0016 4 月, 2024|Blog|Gruyère Slice已关闭评论

Gruyère Slice Gruyère Slice - Ultrasonic Cheese Cutter - Cheersonic Named after a Swiss village, Gruyere is a traditional, creamy, unpasteurized hard cheese with a hard, dry brown rind. Gruyère is darker yellow than Emmental, but has a denser and more compact texture, and the taste is sweet and a little salty. When young, it is creamy and nutty, but as it matures, the texture becomes earthy and complex, with [...]

15 04, 2024

Coating Photoresists by Ultrasonic Spray Nozzles

By |2024-04-10T06:18:54+00:0015 4 月, 2024|Blog|Coating Photoresists by Ultrasonic Spray Nozzles已关闭评论

Coating Photoresists by Ultrasonic Spray Nozzles Cheersonic applies coating photoresists by ultrasonic spray nozzles. Cheersonic ultrasonic coating systems enable fine control of flow rate, coating speed, and deposition amount using an advanced layering technique. Low velocity spray shaping defines the atomized spray into precise, controllable patterns, avoiding overspray while producing very thin, uniform layers. Direct spray coating using ultrasonic technology is proven to be a reliable and effective method for [...]

14 04, 2024

Fondants Cutting Machine

By |2024-04-30T02:59:11+00:0014 4 月, 2024|Blog|Fondants Cutting Machine已关闭评论

Fondants Cutting Machine Fondants Cutting Machine - Ultrasonic Cutting - Cheersonic Fondant is made of sugar, water, and corn syrup. More structured fondant for sculpting usually contains gelatin as well. Some bakers also choose to use marshmallow fondant on their cakes, which is made from melted marshmallows, powdered sugar, and water. Fondant icing is a type of icing used to decorate or carve cakes and pastries. It is made from [...]

13 04, 2024

Ultrasonic Cheesecake Slicer With Paper Insert

By |2024-04-16T04:32:43+00:0013 4 月, 2024|Blog|Ultrasonic Cheesecake Slicer With Paper Insert已关闭评论

Ultrasonic Cheesecake Slicer With Paper Insert Are you still cutting cheesecake by hand? Come take a look at this Ultrasonic Cheesecake Slicer With Paper Insert! This ultrasonic cheesecake slicer uses ultrasonic technology to cut very quickly, and the cutting surface is flat, without chopping or slicing. At the same time, it is also equipped with cutting and paper inserting functions, allowing you to easily complete the packaging work while cutting [...]

13 04, 2024

Spray Coating Nafion Membrane

By |2024-04-10T06:17:07+00:0013 4 月, 2024|Blog|Spray Coating Nafion Membrane已关闭评论

Spray Coating Nafion Membrane Ultrasonic Spray Coating Nafion Membrane. Ultrasonic spraying technology for high-performance proton exchange membrane fuel cell electrode manufacturing. The manufacturing technology of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) significantly affects the performance and durability of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. In our company's research, ultrasonic spraying technology has been used to manufacture gas diffusion electrodes of different sizes, up to 1000 cm2. Catalyst ink consisted of [...]

11 04, 2024

Manual Ultrasonic Cutting for Caramels

By |2024-03-21T08:10:42+00:0011 4 月, 2024|Blog|Manual Ultrasonic Cutting for Caramels已关闭评论

Manual Ultrasonic Cutting for Caramels Manual Ultrasonic Cutting for Caramels is not only beautiful but also practical. Let's take a look at this magical technology together! Ultrasonic cutting technology is a very advanced cutting technique that minimizes the friction between the cutting blade and the material through high-frequency vibration, thereby achieving efficient and accurate cutting. In caramel production, ultrasonic cutting technology can also exert its powerful advantages. Compared to traditional [...]