Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fuel Cells

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fuel Cells – Fuel Cell Coating – Cheersonic

A fuel cell is like a factory, as long as there is a constant supply of fuel, it can continue to supply power, so it shares some characteristics with traditional internal combustion engines. In addition, the fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device that works on the principle of electrochemical, so it has some common characteristics with the primary battery. In fact, fuel cells combine many of the advantages of internal combustion engines and batteries.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fuel Cells - Fuel Cell Coating

Because fuel cells directly convert chemical energy into electrical energy, their sales are usually much higher than those of internal combustion engines. A fuel cell can be an ideal all-solid-state mechanical structure, that is, with no moving parts. Such a system would potentially have high reliability and long life. With no moving parts, it also means that the fuel cell is very quiet. And undesirable products such as NOx, SOx and particulate emissions are practically zero.

Unlike ordinary batteries, fuel cells allow arbitrary scaling between power (determined by fuel cell size) and capacity (determined by fuel storage size), where power and capacity are often correlated, making it difficult to To be large, fuel cells can easily go from 1 watt (mobile phones) to megawatts (power plants); compared to ordinary batteries, fuel cells have the potential to provide higher energy density, and can rely on Fast charging is achieved by refueling, while ordinary batteries can only be thrown away or recharged by plug-ins in a time-consuming manner.

Inadequate fuel cells

While the fuel cell presents many attractive advantages, it also suffers from some serious deficiencies. The bottleneck of fuel cell application is mainly high cost. Due to cost constraints, fuel cell technology is currently only economically competitive in a few special applications (eg, on aerospace vehicles).

Power density is another important limitation. Power density represents the power produced by a fuel cell per unit volume (volume power density) or per unit mass (mass power density).

Although the power density of fuel cells has improved significantly over the past few decades, further improvements are needed if they are to be competitive in the portable electronics and automotive fields. Internal combustion engines and conventional batteries often outperform fuel cells in volumetric power density, while they are very close in mass power density.

The availability and storage of fuel presents a deeper conundrum. Fuel cells work best when fueled by hydrogen, but hydrogen is not readily available, has a low volumetric energy density, and is difficult to store. Other alternative fuels are difficult to use directly and often require reforming. Both of these problems reduce fuel cell performance and increase the demands on auxiliary equipment. From this point of view, while gasoline is an attractive fuel from an energy density standpoint, it is not suitable for use in fuel cells.

Other limitations of fuel cells include operating temperature compatibility, susceptibility to environmental toxicity, and durability in start/stop cycles. These obvious deficiencies will not be easily overcome, and unless these bottlenecks are technically addressed, the application of fuel cells will be very limited.

Our company’s ultrasonic spraying equipment can be sprayed on a variety of different metal alloys, including the preparation of platinum, nickel, iridium and ruthenium-based fuel cell catalyst coatings, as well as PEMs, GDLs, DMFCs (direct methanol fuel cells) and SOFCs (solid Oxide fuel cell) manufacturing. The battery manufactured by this technology has the characteristics of high battery load and high battery efficiency.