Balloon Catheter Spray System

Balloon Catheter Spray System – Coating Balloon Catheter – Cheersonic

Ultrasonic balloon catheter coating technology is a very high-tech coating technology for spraying medical balloons and catheters. The ultrasonic balloon catheter coating equipment has a multi-axis processing system to control the movement of the nozzle and substrate. To obtain the most uniform coating, the balloon catheter was set to rotate at a fixed speed while the nozzle reciprocated over the balloon catheter.

Balloon Catheter Spray System - Coating Balloon Catheter - Cheersonic

(1) Coating uniformity: The coating of the balloon catheter is uniform without orange peel.
(2) Repeatability: The coating method must enable consistent application of coating morphology and uniformity from balloon to balloon.
(3) Compatibility with chemicals: It must be demonstrated that the coating technique will not damage or degrade the properties of the drug or polymer and will not be rendered ineffective by the use of chemicals or solvents.
(4) Process variables: Independent and simple control of process variables is necessary for process and coating development and optimization. The results include the ability to easily change coating thickness or morphology.
(5) Minimal operator intervention required to maintain or clean coating equipment to minimize possible contamination.