Electronics Industry Forecast for 2022

After going through the twists and turns of 2021, the entire electronics industry has officially entered 2022.

Although many analysts said that the shortage of chips that the electronics industry has suffered in the past two years will continue in the first half of this year, with the concerted efforts of the industry chain, this situation will be alleviated in the second half of the year. At the same time, because the terminal and upstream are making every effort to promote new changes in the technology industry, which makes the entire electronics industry brewing new opportunities from top to bottom.

In this era of blooming flowers, it has the following obvious characteristics. They will continue to impact the electronics industry in 2022 and will continue to play a key role in the future of electronics.

Electronics Industry Forecast for 2022 - Spray Drying - Cheersonic

Trend 1: The third-generation semiconductor continues to develop

Because of the advantages of high mobility and high band gap, the third-generation semiconductors represented by gallium nitride and silicon carbide have exploded strong kinetic energy in the past few years.

From the perspective of the driving force of industrial development, this is only the beginning of the third generation of semiconductors. Taking PD fast charging as an example, because of the unique advantages of gallium nitride, starting from smartphones, more and more electronic devices are turning to gallium nitride devices to create suitable PD fast charging solutions. also. In order to be more energy-efficient, application scenarios including 5G base stations and server power supplies have also begun to use gallium nitride devices in the power supply part. This is also another outlet for the global electronics industry, and the opportunities it brings can be imagined.

As for SiC, the opportunity is even more obvious. After Tesla adopted SiC devices on the model 3 and achieved great success, almost the entire electric vehicle industry has set its sights on these new products. Considering that the global development of electric vehicles has become an inevitable trend, this also makes SiC a battleground.

Trend 2: Automotive chips make persistent efforts

In the past year or so, no chip type has been as “hot” as automotive chips. On the one hand, this is related to the characteristics of the auto chip supply chain itself – the sudden epidemic, the spare stock of auto chips, and the misjudgment of the car factory have made the entire auto industry spend a “painful” year; It is developing towards electrification, networking and intelligence, which in turn brings more demand for automotive chips. Under the influence of these two factors, the tight supply situation of automotive chips is obvious.

Trend 3: Advanced packaging such as SiP is becoming mainstream

In order to meet the challenges brought by applications such as 5G and wearables, and to cope with the slowdown of Moore’s Law and the trend of miniaturization of electronic devices, advanced packaging such as SiP is gradually becoming the mainstream of the industry, which will continue to accelerate in 2022.

In the face of this opportunity, in addition to the continuous investment of the traditional packaging factory OSAT, including IDM and wafer foundries have increased their investment in this area, this one will bring huge opportunities to the corresponding manufacturers.

Trend 4: “Core” opportunities brought by “5G+”

If you want to pick the electronics industry keyword for 2021, “5G” must still deserve a place.

Trend 5: Localization of the supply chain has become an inevitable trend

Standing at the beginning of 2022, we talk about the localization of supply chains, because this is a global phenomenon. Whether it is the United States, Europe, Japan, China or South Korea, this possibility is being explored. China not only has the world’s largest end market, but also produces most of the world’s electronic products. The opportunities this transformation brings to Chinese companies are unmatched elsewhere.

For the electronics industry in China and around the world, the above trends are just the tip of the iceberg for the future. Because we are in the midst of an unprecedented technological change. However, for practitioners, mainly starting from these fundamentals and changing with the trend will inevitably occupy a place in the future.

Cheersonic is the leading developer and manufacturer of ultrasonic coating systems for applying precise, thin film coatings to protect, strengthen or smooth surfaces on parts and components for the microelectronics/electronics, alternative energy, medical and industrial markets, including specialized glass applications in construction and automotive.