
Fast food festival desserts made by Indians with milk powder become global influencers, you can also try ~

In India, there is a traditional pastry called Barfi. The common Barfi is made of sugar and milk powder. The texture is similar to fudge. It is very popular in North India. It can be used in various important festivals or special celebrations. When I saw it, most of the barfi was white, but the regions were different, and the materials were different. For example, pistachios, almonds, chocolate, mango, and pineapples were added for coloring and seasoning, and some regions were replaced with cashew powder Milk powder for Barfi, although it sounds like a small Indian dessert, in fact, if you are accustomed to our common, try exotic flavors, it feels very fresh, maybe it will become your favorite ~

Barfi - How to cut and process this traditional pastry Barfi


Ghee ¼ cup (clarified butter)
¾ cup of milk
2½ cups whole milk powder
White sugar ½ cup
Cardamom powder ¼ teaspoon (you can keep it if you don’t like it)
Chopped cooked almond chopped / sliced
Chopped pistachios

To do
① Take a frying pan, turn on low heat, add ghee and milk;
② Add whole milk powder;
③ Add white granulated sugar, all the above materials, stir fry until the milk powder and sugar are melted, and then continue frying with low heat until the water slowly evaporates, and the liquid gradually becomes slightly solidified.
④ Add cardamom powder and stir well.
⑤ Prepare a square mold in advance, spread the baking paper, put the milk powder sweet cake into the mold, and slightly shape it into a square.
⑥ Sprinkle a layer of crushed almonds and pistachios on the surface.
⑦ Let it cool for 2 hours, let it cool and set, cut into pieces and eat it ~ easy?

Cashew barfi

1 cup cashew
White sugar ½ cup
Water ¼ cup
2 tablespoons of milk (optional)
½ teaspoon of Indian puff pastry (clarified butter)
Cardamom powder ½ teaspoon (you can leave it if you don’t like this flavor)

To do
① Add cashews in a blender, then crush the cashews, and then sift them into a fine cashew powder, set aside.
② Take a mouthful of non-stick pan, add sugar and water, turn on medium heat, and stir slowly until the sugar melts, foams, and sticks. Take a bit of brushed state on your hand.
③ Add cashew powder.
④Add 2 tablespoons of milk. Milk helps moisturize cashews. But if you want to store the finished product longer, don’t store it.
⑤ Continue to stir in a low-fire state, and the mixture forms a paste and begins to thicken.
⑥ When you fry the mixture and the bottom of the pot seem to separate, add clarified butter and cardamom powder and stir well.
⑦ Turn off the heat when the mixture becomes thick.
抹 Spread a little butter on a piece of baking paper and pour the cashew paste on top.
⑨Chill for 5 minutes, lubricate your hands with a little butter and knead for 30 seconds. At this time, the dough is still a little hot. Be careful not to get it hot.
⑩ After the cashew nut becomes smooth, cover it with oil paper, and then roll it into a square with a rolling pin.
⑪Finally cut into rhombus, you can eat it on the plate ~

How to cut and process this traditional pastry?